Battle Of The Bands szavazás most online

You can now vote for the bands you want to see at the Magic Circle Festival 2008 Battle Of The Bands competition! To vote, visit click on the banner „Battle Of The Bands 2008 – Vote Here”! The semi-finalists will compete against each-other on...

Ted Nugent és Alice Cooper

The rock „n” roll rebel Ted Nugent is the latest artist confirmed to perform at the spectacular Magic Circle Festival 2008 in Bad Arolsen, Germany. Ted Nugent joins an impressive lineup that includes heavy metal powerhouses Alice Cooper, Def Leppard,...

Whitesnake a fesztiválon

Whitesnake has been confirmed to perform at the Magic Circle Festival 2008, set to take place July 9-12 in Bad Arolsen, Germany. The 4 day festival will feature two historical shows by MANOWAR where they’ll perform their first 6 classic albums in their entirety!...
Alice Cooper a fesztiválon

Alice Cooper a fesztiválon

Alice Cooper a Magic Circle Fesztiválon 2008. Július 9-12 között szintén fellép Bad Arolsenben, Németországban. Hamarosan további fellépők bejelentése is várható!